Christoph Punzmann is composer, Sound Artist, Performer and Multi-instrumentalist. He graduated in Musicology and Art History in Regensburg, Germany, and at the University for Music and Performing Arts Vienna in Electroacoustic and Experimental Music. The musician with Peruvian roots works with Electronics as well as Instrumental music. His compositions range from stereo fixed media pieces to live performances using multichannel array speaker systems. His Live stagings involve the Chinese Zither, as well as music composed for western classical instruments. A central aspect in most of his works are Fieldrecordings, and sounds originating from the human body. What is heard is occasionally connected to movement, as it is in dance or moving image. His oeuvre is located within Contemporary, Experimental, Electroacoustic, Ambient and New Music. Apart from in Europe, compositions were performed in South America, USA, Russia, Scandinavia, and in East Asia. Punzmann is Founder and chairman of the association „Neuer Wiener Musikverein. Gesellschaft für Musik, Kultur und Performancekunst“. A non- profit association which is committed to the dissemination of culture and is intended to give artists, academics, writers and performers a stage and stimulate discourse.